Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility THREE QUESTIONS FOR CHANTAL VAN TRI, DIRECTOR OF THE HALTE CULTURELLE (CULTURAL STOP) | Equita Lyon

© PSV J. Morel


29 October 2021

It's great to see you again at Equita Lyon. How many years has Halte Culturelle (Cultural Stop) been part of the show now?

It has been ten years since we first set up stall at the Equita Lyon. We are lucky to have a special area dedicated to the Halte Culturelle, a beautiful area, which also gives us the space to organise a small exhibition. This year, we have decided to present the photographs of Patrice Gueritot. And we welcome around thirty authors to the Halte Culturelle every year.

What kind of books can people find in your bookshop?

This year, the Halte Culturelle is presenting six hundred books covering every category of equestrian literature, whether children's books, technical manuals, novels, albums, etc. Six hundred titles representing 4,500 volumes, i.e. 3 tons! But of course, each book has something to do with horses! I try to be as comprehensive as possible in this area.

What are your latest literary favourites?

I would say Bernard Maurel's manual, "Le Cheval difficile" (Difficult Horses) published by Vigot, which actually explains that horses are not difficult! It is really interesting. I also liked "Repenser l'équitation, Gestes, postures & performance" (Rethinking riding, the gestures, postures and performance) published by Desiris, written by Frédéric Brigaud and Joséphine Lyon, who is an osteopath.

List of authors present for book-signing sessions during the Equita Lyon show:

Guillaume Antoine (Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday)

Bernard de Fonclare (Thursday)

Joséphine Lyon (Thursday)

Bernard Maurel (Thursday - Friday - Saturday)

Christian Offroy (Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday)

André Émile Viau (Thursday)

Hélène Houdayer (Friday - Saturday)

Arnaud Jeannin (Friday)

Bernadette Lizet (Friday - Saturday)

Christine Moleton Lillié (Friday - Saturday - Sunday)

Max Thirouin (Friday)

Claire Veillère (Friday - Saturday - Sunday)

Sylvie Brunel (Saturday)

Céline Labaune (Saturday)

Guy de Labretoigne (Saturday - Sunday)

Claude Lux (Friday - Saturday - Sunday)

Isabelle Mandro (Saturday)

Anthony Mette (Saturday - Sunday)

Naima Zimmermann (Saturday)

Equita Lyon TV

Relive the 2023 edition of Longines Equita Lyon, Concours Hippique International.